What is the Hudson River Greenway Water Trail?
North American Water Trails, Inc., a coalition of North American water trail organizations, has defined a modern water trail as "a recreational waterway on a river, lake, or ocean between specific points, containing access points and day use sites and campsites for the boating public."
One of the Hudson River Valley Greenway's responsibilities is to promote access to the Hudson River. That access may be visual (scenic overlooks) or physical: land-based (waterfront parks and trails) or water-based (boating, swimming, fishing).
Do I need a license to paddle on the Hudson River Greenway Water Trail?
No, but some municipalities require you to obtain a permit before using their boat launch facilities, such as New York City boat launches. Learn more with this link about NYC boat launches: https://www.nycgovparks.org/facilities/kayak/rules
Is there a fee to park at designated access sites?
At some access sites, yes. Please reach out to individual site managers for more information.
Can I plan overnight paddling/camping trips along the Hudson River Greenway Water Trail?
YES! The Water Trail is for paddlers who want to explore the river for a day or multiple days. The maps and other information on this site were produced to encourage the use of the Hudson River and to enjoy the places and events at and near the access sites.
I own property along the Hudson River – how do I apply to become a designated access site for the Water Trail?
The Water Trail is an excellent opportunity for communities to provide access to the Hudson River, as well as provide linkage to land trails that together highlight the tremendous recreational asset that is the Hudson River Greenway Trail System.
Among the benefits associated with becoming a designated site is the opportunity to promote your site to a wider audience of potential visitors. If you are interested in becoming a designated Hudson River Greenway Water Trail site, please click HERE. The Water Trail Designation Form—19 KB PDF file will open in a new window. The form can be completed on-screen, printed, and mailed to the Greenway office or emailed to hrvg@hudsongreenway.ny.gov.
If you would like a printed copy of the designation form, or if you have a suggestion about a potential new designated Hudson River Greenway Water Trail site, please contact the Greenway by email or phone.
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