Site Owners/New Sites
Providing Access to the River
One of the responsibilities of the Greenway is to address access to the Hudson River. That access may be visual (scenic overlooks) or physical. Physical access may be land-based (waterfront parks and trails), or water-based (boating, swimming, fishing). The Greenway is meeting the latter of these needs by developing a water trail. North American Water Trails, Inc., a coalition of North American water trail organizations, defined a modern water trail as a recreational waterway on a river, lake, or ocean between specific points, containing access points and day use sites and campsites for the boating public.

Design and Use
The Hudson River Greenway Water Trail is intended for use by two very different types of boaters. The first is the person looking to spend a day or part of a day on the river (day user). The second is the long-distance traveler, who wants to traverse the entire length of the river, and beyond, while staying alongside the river as he or she travels.
The Greenway Water Trail is designed with the goal of providing one or more access points (launches and take-outs) every 10 miles or less along both shores of the river, a series of campsites (or other overnight accommodations) every 15 miles or less that will promote multi-day excursions on the river, and access to as many day use attractions (points of interest to boaters) as possible. Day use attractions vary from wildlife marshes, islands, and swamps, to historic sites, downtowns, and hiking trails.
Designation as a Water Trail Site
In order to become a part of the Hudson River Greenway Water Trail, a site owner submits a request for designation to the Greenway and, following staff review, our Board of Directors designates the site as part of the Greenway Water Trail. A Designation Request form is available by clicking here.
If you are already a site owner and need either signs or flags please click the Signs order form for our PDF order form.
Benefits of Designation
Benefits of designation include promotion of the water trail site as part of an award winning, large, cohesive trail system, increase in economic activity as paddlers and other boaters become aware of your site, and, for private landowners, the chance to receive liability insurance through the Greenway.
The Greenway and other state agencies promote the water trail and the individual sites that make it up on the web, in publications and in press releases.
For more information on the Greenway’s Trail Insurance Program for private landowners please click here.